
युवा र सपना: अहिलेको यथार्थ

( कविता ) हे युवा, तिमीले बालक हुदाँ देखेका सपना, के जहाजसँगै उडेर गए र ? शिक्षकले दिएको त्यो ज्ञान, के विदेश कै लागि सिमित बनेको थियो र? होइन भने, फेरी किन तिमीले पनि अरूले नै रोजेको बाटो रोज्यौ, किन तिमीले आफ्नो मृत्युलाई आफैँले बोलायौँ ? के तिमीले देख्यौँ र ? आमाका आँसु जुन तिम्रालागि खसेका थिए, जुन हातले तिमीलाई हुर्काएका थिए,अहिले तिम्रो मुहार सुम्सुमाउने पर्खाइमा बसेका थिए । युवा, तिमी फर्किएर आयौँ के तिमीसँगै तिम्रा सपना पनि फर्किएर आए, के थाहा छ तिमीलाई ? तिमी फर्किएर आउँदा आफन्तले केवल रोदन पाए । तिमी यसरी फर्किएर आयौँ कि अब तिमीलाई ...

Rahul Rai: Polyhistor and Numinous Musician

Rahul Rai, a brilliantly bright star, illuminated the world of each of those who knew him. It was easy to be astonished by his work. It was easy to be awestruck by his mesmerizing work that struck us as empyrean. Born on the 14th day of October in 1989 in Kolkata to Padma and Nayan Kumar Rai. He was an ordinary boy with a strong attachment and dedication to his passion, music. During high school, he and his friends started an amateur metal band with the name Kastyal which was not popular then but later it was Dream Diabolic which ...

You need to stop thinking.

Do you realise that the more you want to forget something, the more you seem to remember it? Why is it? It is because your mind is not in your control, but it is controlling you. Once you learn to control your mind, you'll learn to stop thinking as well. You know you are always thinking about something. Just thinking drains a lot of energy. If you stop thinking, more energy can be saved. But a question may arise "How can you just stop thinking? Isn't thinking what makes us human?" A philosopher Descartes once said, "I think, therefore I ...

बाको गोडा

एकातिर एमफिलको अन्तिम सत्रको शोधपत्र बुझाउनुपर्ने समयसीमा सकिन लागिसकेको थियो भने अर्कातिर बुबालाई अस्पतालमा राखेको पनि दोस्रो हप्ता भइसकेको थियो । अस्पतालको बसाइमा नै केही पढ्नैपर्ने बाध्यता थियो । बिहान आठबजेतिर बिरामी राखेको वार्ड सफा गर्ने समय भएकाले बिरामी कुरुवाहरु सबै जना आधा घन्टा जतिका लागि बाहिर जानुपर्ने भयो । अस्पतालको कोरिडोर निकै व्यस्त थियो । बिरामी र बिरामीका आफन्तहरु आशाका ससाना दीप बाल्दै यताउता गरिरहेका थिए । म अस्पतालअघिको सानो बगैँचाको पर्खालमा बसेर किताब पल्टाइरहेको थिएँ । परबाट ट्रलीको नमिठो खट्याङट्याङ आवाज मतिरै आइरहेको थियो । रातको निद्रा पनि आँखाभरि सिङ्गै बाँकी रहेकाले होला, किताबतिर ध्यान जान सकिरहेको थिएन ...

What No One Tells You About Electronic Voting

Voting is the democratic procedure of choosing a candidate who can represent the general public. In terms of democracy, voting is the best, most authentic, and most salient way of electing a representative. According to CAMBRIDGE DICTIONARY, “Voting is the activity of choosing someone or something in an election”. Voting is a collaborative decision of people to elect an individual who is honest, active, energetic, and able to address the demand of the citizens or people. Voting can be important in terms of democracy since the choice of the people will work for them according to their needs and desires ...

A Letter To My Present Self

My dearest present self, As I pen these words, my heart is filled with love and admiration for the person you are today. You have come so far, and yet you have so much further to go. The journey ahead may be long and winding, but I know that you have the courage and strength to face whatever challenges come your way. Dear present self, I know you are tired and it hurts. I know it feels like the earth has stopped revolving and all the light has been sucked by some black hole and all you are left with ...

The Elephant Vanishes: Book Review

Haruki Murakami, a Japanese novelist, famous for his fictional writing, is the writer of the great novel “The Elephant Vanishes.” You may or may not be familiar with the works of Murakami, but if you do read his novels, you already know it’s a great book. ‘The Elephant Vanishes’ is a collection of various short stories which is filled with mystery. All of these stories will make you scratch your brain and think about your life every time you finish reading one. It is the magic of Murakami’s books. In his writings, readers are made to create their own conclusion ...

पञ्चमणि : उपन्यास

"एक" सत्यवती नामक एक राज्य छ । त्यहाँ राजा पद्मदेवको छोराको रुपमा राजकुमार विक्रमको जन्म भयो । सबै उत्सव मनाइरहेका छन् । राजाले राजकुमार जन्मिएको खुशीयालीको उपलक्ष्यमा सबैलाई उनको काम अनुसार उपहार दिइने घोषणा गर्छन् । ब्राह्मणलाई पुस्तक आदि, योद्धाहरुलाई हतियार आदि, किसानहरुलाई गाई, भैसी, भेडा, बाख्रा आदि दिइयो । यस्तै एउटा हरिबहादुर नामक किसान आफ्नो ३ वर्षको छोरा चन्द्रसँग दरवारमा गयो । उसले पनि गाईभैसी लिएर फर्कियो । उसको घर सत्यवती राज्यभित्र पर्ने एउटा तपोवन नामक ठूलो जंगलको वीचमा थियो । उ डिह्दाहिड्दा थाकिसकेको थियो त्यसैले उसले केही समयका लागि आराम गर्ने निर्णय ग¥यो अनि एउटा रुखको ओतमुनि सुत्यो ...

दमयन्तीको खोज

मदनमणि दीक्षितद्वारा रचिएको कथा विरहिणी दमयन्तीको समापन गर्दै म अर्चितबाबु मर्सिफुलले मिति २०८० श्रावण १३ गते राजा नलको दृष्टिकोणबाट “दमयन्तीको खोज” शीर्षकको लघुकथा लेखेको छु ....................................। कर्कोटक नागहरूको गाउँबाहिरको घनघोर जङ्गलबाट साथ छुटेकी रानी दमयन्तीसँग निषधराज नलको भेट नभएको पनि केही दिन बितिसकेका थियो । बेलाबखतमा महादेवले पार्वतीलाई छाडी श्लेषमानतक वनमा लुक्न आएझैँ राजा नल दमयन्तीलाई केही नभनी एक्लै परित्याग गरी हिँडेका राजाले बिछोडको केही समयपछि रानी दरबारतर्फ लागिन् होला भनेर आफू पनि त्यतै लागे । उता रानी दमयन्ती उनै राजा नलको खोजीमा जङ्गलको गोरेटोमा हिँड्दै पद्मसौबन्धिक तलाउ हुँदै चेदी जनपद पुगेकी थिइन् । यता लामो समयसम्म आफ्नी रानीलाई नभेटेपछि ...

कानूनको एकरूपता भ्रम हो

बाटोमा हिँड्दा हिँड्दै बाइकले एक पैदलयात्रीलाई ठक्कर दियो । अर्कोपल्ट फेरि बाटोमा यात्रा गर्दा बाइकलाई चारपाङ्ग्रे साधनले ठक्कर दियो । दुबै दुर्घटना सडकमा भएका छन् । दुबै घटनाका पिडितको अवस्था र पिडकमाथिको आरोप उस्तै हुनसक्छन् । तर, दुबै घटनाको तथ्यको आधारमा कारवाही भने फरक-फरक हुनसक्छ । यसैबाट बुझ्न सकिन्छ - एकै वाक्यमा उल्लेख गरिएको कानूनको पनि परिस्थिति अनुसार व्याख्यामा भिन्नता आउन सक्छन् । विधिशास्त्रको अध्ययनका क्रममा मैले कयौं दार्शनिकहरूको तर्कलाई बुझेँ । अधिकांशले कानूनलाई परिभाषित गर्ने क्रममा नै समाजमा एकरूपता ल्याउनका लागि प्रयोग गरिने साधन भनेर नै भनेको जस्तो देखिन्छ । तर, एकै कानूनलाई टेकेर कसैको स्वतन्त्रता खोसिदिन मिल्ने र ...

Virat Kohli: The truest Inspiration

- Ayush Kumar Poddar, Science, E1 | “Virat Kohli” the king was born on 5 November 1998 as the youngest son of a Criminal lawyer “Prem Kohli” and a housewife “Saroj Kohli” in Delhi. He belongs to a Punjabi family. He was supported by his elder brother Vikash and sister Bhavna. He is the man who was born for Cricket, it is heard that Virat was nearly 3 years old when he used to pick up the bat and started flying the ball asking his father Prem to bowl for him. He grew up in Uttam Nagar, Delhi. He studied ...


- Narayan Prasad Bhusal | Pain is such a mysterious sensation that, if we understand the science of emotions, it may either smash or raise a person's life to the next level of enlightenment. By overcoming their pain, some people have transformed themselves into the best diamond. Some embraced it as a fresh chance and found a reason to live. Some, on the other hand, saw it as an omen of luck that they received from their previous life's acts, and it marked the end of a chapter in their inner development that could have been completed by understanding the ...