
त्यो ठुलो हुलको बिचमा सुतिरहेकी म

आँखा बन्द थिए मेरा तर यी कानहरुले त्यो हुलको बिचबाट आएका हरेक शब्द अनि मन पोल्ने वचनहरु प्रष्टै सुनिरहेका थिए। त्यहाँ भएका हरेक मानिसको उपस्थिती यो आत्माले महशुस गरिरहेको थियो। म त्यो हुलको बिचमा थिएँ। कयौँ मानिसहरुको भिडले घेरिएकी थिएँ म। मेरो छेउमा मानिसहरुको रुवाईको आवाज प्रष्टै थियो। त्यो लाखौँको भिडमा कोही सान्त्वना दिँदै थिए, कोही तमासा हेर्दै थिए अनि कोही पोलिरहेको घाउमा नुन थप्दै थिए। त्यो दन्किरहेको आगोमा घ्यू थप्न प्रयत्न मानिसहरुको सङ्ख्या पनि त्यो ठुलो हुलमा कम भने पक्कै पनि थिएन। मेरो छेउमा मेरी आमा मेरो हात समातेर रुँदै थिइन्। आफ्नै मन सम्हाल्न नसक्नुभएका मेरा बाबा त्यो भारी ...

Yes… My Mother is a Housewife

- Prishu Sharma, Science, Class F1 | Time and again, I have to answer the question, “What does your mother do?” Many times, I have to fill up forms regarding my mother’s occupation. In these instances, I must answer, “She is a housewife.” Then, most of the people think that she does not work. Likewise, most of the male members of my family think that my mother does not work and she stays inside the house only. In actuality, my mother is the one who works most in my family. She wakes up at 5 a.m. and does household chores ...

Internet Addiction and its Impact on Mental Health

Internet addiction creates psychological, social, affective disorders, problems in social relations, and school and/or work difficulties in a person’s life. Internet addiction refers to excessive or poorly controlled urge or behavior to access the internet. Internet addiction is when a person has a compulsive need to spend a great deal of time on the internet, to the point where other areas of life (such as relationships, work or health) are allowed to suffer. Internet addiction is a growing epidemic. Symptoms of Internet Addiction According to a study, you may be experiencing an internet addiction if you spend long stretches of ...

Cyberbullying and its impact on Child and Adolescence

Cyberbullying is associated with emotional stress, social anxiety, substance use, depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation and suicidal attempts. Cyberbullying is an unfortunate social-product of recent communication technologies, particularly social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, snapchat, twitter and so on. Cyberbullying may involve posting rumors, threats, sexual remarks, personal or confidential information, or pejorative labels. Cyberbullying can harm the online reputation of the person being bullied or the victim as well as the persons who participate in or incite bullying behavior or the perpetrator. Types of Cyberbullying Since the internet is a wide world, there are several ways to use it for ...

If Keyboards Could Talk

- Rakshya Pokhrel, Law, M1 | If keyboards could talk, they would have told you and held you stronger when you were typing all those vulnerable words to the world. It would have told you so many secrets that go from yours to someone else. It would have told you everything when you were about to give up, about to break up, and about to shatter. It would have wished you goodnight and good morning when the world forgets to wish you and make you smile and start and finish off your day with all of yourself. It would have ...


- Reshma Chapagain, Management, A1 | The eyes of a psychopath will deceive you; they will destroy you. They will take from you, your innocence, your pride and eventually your soul. ― Dr. Samuel Loomis Psychopaths, by definition, have problems understanding the emotions of other people, which partly explains why they are so selfish, why they so callously disregard the welfare of others, and why they commit violent crimes at up to three times the rate of other people. Psychopaths see the world in a fundamentally different way than most people. They lack empathy, which means they do not feel ...

Timetable of Grade 11 and 12 has been published

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians, We are pleased to inform you that the timetable for Grades 11 and 12 has been published and is now available on NEB’s official web portal too. This timetable outlines the exam schedule and important dates for the upcoming exam. As you may know, Grade 11 is a critical year in your academic journey as it prepares you for your final year of high school. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to review the timetable carefully and ensure that you are aware of your exam schedule and any important dates. We wish you all the best for ...

Topper’s Answer Sheets For Your Reference 

Attn.: Students of Grade XI & XII Dear Students, I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. As we approach the upcoming board exams, we understand that many of you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed with the amount of studying and preparation required. Therefore, I have sent you a set of Toppers’ Answer Sheets for your reference. These answer sheets will provide you with valuable insights into the answer pattern, which will help you prepare better for the exams. I encourage you to thoroughly go through these answer sheets and use them as a reference ...

Grade 12 Exam Centre Published

This is to inform all students that the exam centers have been published. We kindly request all students to take note of their respective exam centers and make necessary arrangements. Students are also reminded to bring their admit cards to the exam center on the day of the exam. For any queries or concerns, please contact the examination department. We wish you all the best for your upcoming exams. Click Here For The Link Regards, Examination Department Uniglobe SS/ College ...

The Library Book

- Jivan Jivanta, Faculty, Nepali | I used to buy most of the books as prescribed in college courses whereas few of them would be borrowed from the library. Our college library was well-equipped containing all kinds of books. At that time, I was studying at Urlabari Multiple College for the intermediate Level. Mostly, novels would top my priority and I used to count on the library to access them. The pages of library books would be decorated with a host of things. One could find salaries, names, addresses, and other materials inscribed in the blank space of the pages ...


This is to inform all the students that we strictly apply the fine system to those who do not return the issued books in time. Hence, kindly return all the books as aforementioned. If in case, it exceeds the due date, you will be strictly charged Rs. 10/- per day as a fine from (Sunday) 18th November 2075. Thank You. Sharad Basnet (Incharge, IRC) ...

In the Eye of the Storm: My Experience of Surviving a Crisis

- Yash Dangol Maharjan, Management, G1 | Surviving a crisis is an experience that changes you forever. I know this firsthand, having faced two devastating events that shook me to the core. The 2015 Nepali earthquake and the COVID-19 pandemic, which happened five years apart, left me reeling and struggling to find a way forward.The earthquake hit Nepal on April 25th, 2015, and it was a disaster that I could never have imagined. The ground shook violently, and I saw buildings collapse, roads crumble, and people screaming for help. It was like a scene from a horror movie, but it ...