
I Wanna Be More Like Me

By: Sloka Bhattarai (Science, I2) | In the world of echoes,I yearn to be A melody of myself, unique and free Shedding the masks off, embracing authenticity I wanna be more like ME, in pure simplicity. Accept all my flaws with grace Embracing the journey of finding my own pace In the garden of empathy, the seeds I sow To be more kind and loving, to help people in low. A river of generosity and giving I wanna be more like me, an example of compassionate living In the echos of my scars, forgiveness will rise An armor of strength, ...

The Elephant Vanishes: Book Review

By: Dikshya Khiuju (Management, L2) | Haruki Murakami, a Japanese novelist, famous for his fictional writing, is the writer of the great novel “The Elephant Vanishes.” You may or may not be familiar with the works of Murakami, but if you do read his novels, you already know it’s a great book. ‘The Elephant Vanishes’ is a collection of various short stories which is filled with mystery. All of these stories will make you scratch your brain and think about your life every time you finish reading one. It is the magic of Murakami’s books. In his writings, readers are ...

Mission Mars: Will Humanity Succeed?

By: Crystalma Shrestha (Science, F2) | Mars is one of the eight planets in the solar system, with its character and uniqueness. It lies in the fourth place between the Earth and Jupiter. Also known as the Red Planet, it is the second smallest planet in the solar system. Nowadays, the environmental condition of the Earth has been changing drastically, leading to the extinction of many living beings. Global warming has posed a threat to planet Earth. Human beings are living in polluted, populated, and unhealthy environments. So to save humanity and the lives of many other species of plants ...

Should we talk about him?

By: Smriti Shrestha (Management, B2) | Those people ask me, do I still remember you? I always thought you were gone but memories of us never flew. During all these days, I see your face in every cloud passing by When the sun sets I feel alone. I always want to see your face in the beauty of the sky That evening which we used to talk about was never there since you were gone I think they are also sad for me and all it was doing for you is mourn. The routine of my life is tearing up ...

Power and Politics

By: Sambhav Gyawali (Science, H1) | Power is the crux of politics, local, national, and international. In political science, power is the social production of an effect that determines actors' capacities, actions, beliefs, or conduct. Power can be exercised through a variety of indirect methods, including the use of institutions or the threat or actual use of force(coercion) by one actor against another. Cambridge Dictionary defines power as “the amount of political control a person or group has in a country” or “the ability to control people and events”. Thus, it can also be interpreted as, the ability to make ...

Harmony in Hair: Donating for a Cause

By: Erika Bhatta (Science, G1) | "Gift a piece of yourself; share your strands—hair donation, a small act, a big impact.” The blazing midday sun shone relentlessly on the ceiling. I had been thinking about shaving my head for a few weeks; I even informed my mom about this, but she did not take this seriously. I wanted to do something that felt liberating. So, one day, I had my entire head shaved. That day was one of the most unforgettable days in my life. I had my head shaved on January 16, 2022. All the credit goes to my ...


By: Aaryan Khadka (Science, A1) | Love is a simple thing. Everybody loves someone. May it be your friend, family, or even someone special you met throughout your life out of nowhere. Love is free. I can't explain what love is. People say I don’t know what love is, “I’m just a kid.” But I feel love in my smallest interactions with my family, friends, and dog. I find gestures of love everywhere. From the strictest teachers in school to the person who has nothing for himself loving a stray dog as is his own family. The most love I ...


By: Salon Giri (Science, H1) | What do you understand by the term happiness? Is it something that depends on external factors? Well, happiness is a term that depicts an optimistic mental state. Happiness can have different meanings for different people. Like, many find happiness in earning money, a good position & wealth but materialistic things are not the secret of happiness, sometimes a person might have wealth & still not be happy.  Money can only buy temporary happiness.  So, now the question is what exactly is the mantra to the secret of happiness? What can give us happiness? Happiness ...

What Do We Do When We Are Sad?

By: Elija Panta (Science, K1) | As a person whose mood changes every now and then, there was a video I had watched on the internet which kept bugging me. I have never taken these quick mood swings negatively. It is a part of me that lets me move on, it lets me know that I am not stuck here; it is not the worst or the best. However, there had been a question that kept lingering in my head. That question went like this ‘Why aren’t happy and sad moods in equal ratio’. The question didn’t mean it had ...

Yes ! My Mother Is A Housewife

By: Prishu Sharma (Science, F2) | Time and again, I must answer the question, “What does your mother do?” Many times, I have to fill up forms regarding my mother’s occupation. In these instances, I must answer, “She is a housewife.” Then, most of the people think that she does not work. Likewise, most of the male members of my family think that my mother does not work and stays inside the house only. In actuality, my mother is the one who works most in my family. She wakes up at 5 a.m. and does household chores until 11 p.m ...

Virat Kohli: The Truest Inspiration

By: Ayush Kumar Poddar (Science, E1) Virat Kohli, the iconic cricketer hailed as "The King," was born on November 5, 1988, in Delhi, to Prem Kohli, a criminal lawyer, and Saroj Kohli, a housewife, in a Punjabi family. Raised in Uttam Nagar, Delhi, Kohli's passion for cricket manifested at the tender age of three when he would wield the bat, urging his father to bowl to him. His journey to greatness commenced in 1998 when the West Delhi Academy was established, and Kohli, fueled by his fervor for the sport, eagerly participated despite being of a tender age. His coach ...


By: Krisha Lamsal (Science, D1) | Aphrodite, the shining goddess of love and beauty in Olympus, is an iconic figure whose influence extends beyond time and culture. She is one of the Greek gods and is associated with Venus, which represents beauty and charm. The captivating stories about Aphrodite’s birth, her deeds, and her timeless significance are a part of a mythological tapestry that has been passed down through generations. In artistic representations that immortalize her essence, Aphrodite appears as a magnificent figure often accompanied by Eros, the winged godling. Their union symbolizes love’s many facets with doves, swans, roses, ...

A Thoughtful Train Ride

By: Swastika Khatiwada (Science, C1) | On a cozy December night, I was walking through the city, full of possibilities, looking at those skyscrapers that scraped the heavens, dazzling lights that covered the entire street, enormous billboards, bustling crowds, and the cacophonous sounds of vibrant and ambitious people with stories of their own. The aroma of diverse foods with the scent of coffee was wafting from trendy cafes, but it was not the one that reminded me of home. There were thousands of people around, but it was nothing compared to that at home. As I walked into a colorful ...

Career Cocoon

By: Sujal Koirala (Science, C1) | The nervous feeling on the first day of college was a very exciting thing as of now. Same day there was also a big pressure on my head which even hardened my leg to walk. Maybe I am not the only one who entered college with feelings of tranquility, openness, and having a positive outlook on life. As being teenager, I have experienced many ups and downs in my life which were not even supposed to be handled by little me, but the god-gifted problem is obsessed with me. A few days later, the ...


By: Tayosha Gautam (Science, H2) | It’s finally getting colder, The rain smells sweet and I feel older. The months go by so quickly, Yet I cannot remember how it tasted like on the tip of my tongue. I feel lost. Lost within the constellations of my thoughts That are constantly dead and reborn And collect wisdom through a channeled intelligence And it feels almost foreign to my being. Within my two calloused hands, I hold them like they’re about to leave. Just like I’ve always did, Just like every other thing I’ve let go of Have my teeth dug ...

Nuclear Weapons and Safety

Nuclear weapons have long stood as symbols of both unparalleled destructive potential and the urgent need for stringent safety protocols. They epitomize the brief and explosive nature of humankind's capabilities. The devastating bombings witnessed across the globe underscore the varied forms of nuclear radiation, necessitating a global focus on nuclear safety. The cataclysmic events of World War II, culminating in the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, marked a turning point. The genesis of major missiles, spearheaded by figures like Robert Oppenheimer, laid the groundwork for the era of nuclear weapons. Nations have since prioritized the development of nuclear arsenals ...

Critical Thinking in the Age of Misinformation

Critical thinking is the capacity to read and digest information and then make judgments based on authentic information through the lens of objectivity and one’s thought process instead of relying on others to make decisions for us.  In this world full of advanced science and information technology, our life has become easier. We can now get every small and big information about events and incidents worldwide. People nowadays check WhatsApp or log in to Facebook, Twitter, Google, or other social media platforms for news and information but instead of getting information, we may get misinformation. Different websites post different information ...


Our life is so unpredictable that we don’t know what will happen tomorrow. The crisis may arise anytime, anywhere. Art and creativity are talents that can be developed in any individual. For me, art means creating and interpreting the matter in a creative interesting way. We human beings are known to be the rational and intellectual creatures living on planet Earth. We have developed several things for our present and future. Human beings developed languages to communicate with each other, they built houses for living, clothes for wearing, and invented road networks for moving from one place to another. Anyone ...

Marriage vs cohabitation

Marriage is one of the most socially accepted phenomena ever developed by humankind. Oxford Dictionary defines marriage as “the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship.” Cohabitation, on the other hand, is a new culture prominent amongst the youth, where couples live together in a sexual relationship without being bound by social or legal norms. Both cohabitation and marriage are the forms of committed relationships. Personally speaking, both marriage and cohabitation have their advantages and shortcomings. Marriage is usually done out of love or may be arranged by two families. In Nepal, marriage ...

E-commerce: How to Thrive With It?

E-commerce! Who does not know about it today? In the past, only a few people had knowledge about e-commerce but now the tables have turned and only a few people do not know about e-commerce—the buying and selling of goods, products, or services through the internet. You can also add transactions of money and funds to e-commerce. E-commerce employs different strategies to attract new customers such as website design, social media marketing, paid advertisement, loyalty programs data analysis, and global expansion. The first impression of e-commerce websites is very crucial. It has to be user-friendly, responsive, and visually appealing. The ...

The Good and Bad of Pop Culture 

“Whether we talk about gender, race or class, pop culture is where the pedagogy is; it is where the learning is.” So said Bell Hooks, a popular American author. Popular culture refers to the set of beliefs, practices, values, and actions practiced by a large number of people over a particular period. It relates to the emotions expressed by an individual in his/her way of dressing, choice of food, fashion trends, beliefs, or way of living. At present, youths are living in a society dominated by technology and pop culture. Youths are highly influenced by the characters or artists on ...