
Escape the city and dive into adventure at Trishuli River Beach Camp

There's nothing quite like taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and heading out on an adventure with friends. - Sharad Basnet | Embarking on a journey from Kathmandu to Trishuli River Beach Camp promises an adventure like no other. As you leave behind the hustle and bustle of the city, you will find yourself immersed in the picturesque beauty of Nepal's countryside. The journey takes you through winding roads and quaint villages, offering glimpses of the country's rich culture and history. And as you arrive at the Trishuli River Beach Camp, you will be greeted ...

Beyond Academics: Nurturing Minds at Uniglobe College

Ms. Jyoti Lama, Psychological Counselor “Sangita (name changed for confidentiality) came from a childhood history of excessive domestic violence where her mother was physically abused by her alcoholic father almost every day. Witnessing daily physical abuse left an indelible impact on her emotional well-being, rendering her emotionally fragile and prone to panic attacks in the face of challenges. However, through the transformative power of psychological counseling, Sangita embarked on a journey of self-discovery. The counseling process empowered her to heal, rebuild her emotional strength, and ultimately achieve remarkable success in her academic pursuits. Today, she not only stands resilient against ...

Effective School Leadership: Strategies for Successful Management

Mr. Mansun KC, Senior Executive Director Effective school leadership is the cornerstone of a successful educational institution. It encompasses various qualities and actions that contribute to creating a conducive learning environment, fostering collaboration, promoting equity, and overcoming challenges. This article explores the essential aspects of effective school leadership and presents strategies for successful management in a formal yet straightforward manner. Introduction to Effective School Leadership Effective school leadership is crucial for the overall functioning and success of an educational institution. It refers to the ability of school leaders to inspire, guide, and manage the school community towards achieving common goals ...

रसायनशास्त्र प्रयोगशालाको त्यो अँध्यारो पल

कोठामा घामका किरण परिसक्दा पनि आखाँ खुल्दै खुल्दैनन्। भान्छाबाट मामु कराउनु हुन्छ, हेर आठ बजिसक्यो उठ्दैन त। होइन के गरी साइन्स पढ्छ यसले। 11मा त यति अल्क्षी थिएन नौ त बाबु । उठ्नु पर्दैन, कति अल्छी भएको बाबु अहिले? आमा गुनगुनाउदै आउनु भो छेउमा बल्ल हातको घडी हेरे आठ बजेर पाँच मिनेट भइसकेछ। ह्या मामु हिजो अलि थाके के त्यसैले।होइन बाबु आजभोली तिम्रो पारा देखीराछु सार्है अल्छी हुदै छौ आमाले भन्नुभयो। ओके मामु लु सरी अब देखी छिट्टै उठ्छु ल, मेरी प्यारी मामु गइस्यो भान्सामा फेरी तरकारी डड्ला नि म जुरूक्क उठे। नकरा मलाई मख्खाको हेरेन यसले, भो मख्खाउनु पर्दैन ...

युवा र सपना: अहिलेको यथार्थ

( कविता ) हे युवा, तिमीले बालक हुदाँ देखेका सपना, के जहाजसँगै उडेर गए र ? शिक्षकले दिएको त्यो ज्ञान, के विदेश कै लागि सिमित बनेको थियो र? होइन भने, फेरी किन तिमीले पनि अरूले नै रोजेको बाटो रोज्यौ, किन तिमीले आफ्नो मृत्युलाई आफैँले बोलायौँ ? के तिमीले देख्यौँ र ? आमाका आँसु जुन तिम्रालागि खसेका थिए, जुन हातले तिमीलाई हुर्काएका थिए,अहिले तिम्रो मुहार सुम्सुमाउने पर्खाइमा बसेका थिए । युवा, तिमी फर्किएर आयौँ के तिमीसँगै तिम्रा सपना पनि फर्किएर आए, के थाहा छ तिमीलाई ? तिमी फर्किएर आउँदा आफन्तले केवल रोदन पाए । तिमी यसरी फर्किएर आयौँ कि अब तिमीलाई ...