Virat Kohli, the iconic cricketer hailed as “The King,” was born on November 5, 1988, in Delhi, to Prem Kohli, a criminal lawyer, and Saroj Kohli, a housewife, in a Punjabi family. Raised in Uttam Nagar, Delhi, Kohli’s passion for Read More…
Tag: #BestPlusTwoCollege
Aphrodite, the shining goddess of love and beauty in Olympus, is an iconic figure whose influence extends beyond time and culture. She is one of the Greek gods and is associated with Venus, which represents beauty and charm. The captivating Read More…
A Thoughtful Train Ride
On a cozy December night, I was walking through the city, full of possibilities, looking at those skyscrapers that scraped the heavens, dazzling lights that covered the entire street, enormous billboards, bustling crowds, and the cacophonous sounds of vibrant and Read More…
Career Cocoon
The nervous feeling on the first day of college was a very exciting thing as of now. Same day there was also a big pressure on my head which even hardened my leg to walk. Maybe I am not the Read More…
It’s finally getting colder, The rain smells sweet and I feel older. The months go by so quickly, Yet I cannot remember how it tasted like on the tip of my tongue. I feel lost. Lost within the constellations of Read More…
Nuclear Weapons and Safety
Nuclear weapons have long stood as symbols of both unparalleled destructive potential and the urgent need for stringent safety protocols. They epitomize the brief and explosive nature of humankind’s capabilities. The devastating bombings witnessed across the globe underscore the varied Read More…
Critical Thinking in the Age of Misinformation
Critical thinking is the capacity to read and digest information and then make judgments based on authentic information through the lens of objectivity and one’s thought process instead of relying on others to make decisions for us. In this world Read More…
Our life is so unpredictable that we don’t know what will happen tomorrow. The crisis may arise anytime, anywhere. Art and creativity are talents that can be developed in any individual. For me, art means creating and interpreting the matter Read More…
Marriage vs cohabitation
Marriage is one of the most socially accepted phenomena ever developed by humankind. Oxford Dictionary defines marriage as “the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship.” Cohabitation, on the other hand, is a Read More…
E-commerce: How to Thrive With It?
E-commerce! Who does not know about it today? In the past, only a few people had knowledge about e-commerce but now the tables have turned and only a few people do not know about e-commerce—the buying and selling of goods, Read More…