What doesn’t kill you makes you STRONGER

I believe ‘everything happens for a reason’. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when you realize they’re right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no Read More…

Making Each Day Count

An average person lives around 27,375 days. That’s all we get if we’re lucky. “Twenty-seven thousand three hundred and seventy-five.” At first, I thought it didn’t seem like a lot of time but then again, how many days do we Read More…

Addressing Myself

What’s the world supposed to be to a sixteen year old? I’m an embodiment of average, in every sense of the word.  From academics to social life and skills. Normal. This word daunts me. I’m not at the top or Read More…

‘एम टु’को जग्गामा मेरो बाली

एस.ई.ई. पछिको पढाइमा मेरा पुराना साथीहरू मसँग थिएनन् । भर्खरै काठमाडौं आएको मैले न त कलेजमा कसैलाई चिनेको थिएँ, न त छरछिमेकमा नै । मित्रता गाँस्न पनि हम्मे हम्मे पर्छ कि? जस्तो लाग्न थालेको थियो । कलेज पुगेर थाहा भयो, Read More…