Mission Mars: Will Humanity Succeed?

By: Crystalma Shrestha (Science, F2) |

Mars is one of the eight planets in the solar system, with its character and uniqueness. It lies in the fourth place between the Earth and Jupiter. Also known as the Red Planet, it is the second smallest planet in the solar system.

Nowadays, the environmental condition of the Earth has been changing drastically, leading to the extinction of many living beings. Global warming has posed a threat to planet Earth. Human beings are living in polluted, populated, and unhealthy environments. So to save humanity and the lives of many other species of plants and animals scientists have been searching for another planet where we could live.

Scientists have found some similarities between the Earth and Mars. Several scientists are working on the Mission Mars to save humanity. And they have achieved some success. They are said to have found the source of water and some living beings on Mars. They have also found that the landmass on Mars is also fertile.

Therefore, there is a hope that human beings in the future will be able to establish settlements on Mars in case the Earth collapses. Mission Mars is difficult and extremely expensive. But it is not impossible either. 

By: Crystalma Shrestha (Science, F2)

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